Serving learners from
3 years old through 8th grade
Dear Christ the King School Families,
I hope this note finds you all well and enjoying the last few days of summer. I am excited to begin my second year at CKS, and I am sending this email to provide a bit of information concerning the first week of school (and a few future dates). Most school correspondence will be issued through my email (Mrs. Tomkowicz, the Associate Principal, will be added soon for reply purposes).
Back to School
At a glance…
Monday, August 26th - Middle School Orientation
For sixth grade & new students in Middle School
Email forthcoming with more details
Monday, August 26th - Ice Cream Social
5:00 - 5:30 pm: Classrooms open for supply drop-off & Meet the Teacher
Ice Cream will be served, beginning at 5:30; music and a bouncy house will be available
Wednesday, August 28th - First Day of School
arrival beginning at 7:30 (more information pertaining to drop-off and pick-up protocols is forthcoming)
½ day for all students - dismissal begins at 11:50
No CH2 for any students
Thursday, August 29th - Friday, August 30th - ½ Days for ECE & K
NO CH2 for ECE & Kindergarten these days
Save the Date!
Thursday, August 29th - Parent Cafe - 8:00 am - 8:45 am
Monday, September 2nd - Labor Day - No School
Thursday, September 5th - Back to School Night
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Ask questions and learn more about your child’s classroom goals and expectations for the year
Monday, September 9th - Fall Picture Day
*Students who have P.E. must wear regular uniform and change*
Flyers will be distributed during the first week of school
Friday, September 13th - ‘Wave Goodbye to Summer’ Dress Down Day
Updated ‘Dress Down Day’ Parameters will be forthcoming
Friday, October 4th - Blessing of the Animals - Feast of St. Francis
Join us at Dismissal, with your animals, where Father Justin will bless all of the CKS pets in the upper field
Friday, October 11th - Faith Formation Day - In-Service for Teachers, No School for Students
Friday, October 11th - CKS Golf Tournament
We will be hosting the tournament at Cedar Knoll again this year
More information forthcoming in email
Monday, October 14th - Indigenous Peoples’ Day - No School
Tuesday, October 15th - Saturday, October 19th - Scholastic Book Fair
Friday, October 18th - Grandparents Day
Join us for Grandparents Mass at 8:30
Following by refreshments and book fair in the Gym
More information forthcoming in email
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email, stop by, or call.
In Christ,
Kelley Alderman
CKS Principal