Serving learners from
3 years old through 8th grade
Work sent home with students:
Math 1
Math 2
As remote learning unfolds, daily assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. I hope to deliver the best instruction and assessment possible for third grade by providing a mixture of video, websites and paper to pencil assignments. I will be setting up Google virtual classrooms for Math, Language Arts and Social Studies. Students will be given instruction for the day’s lessons in each subject area and will be expected to complete assignments as we move forward. I will be giving online assessments, and I hope to be able to collect and assess some of the packets in each subject area as well. (You have all been so gracious in this process, and I am sure that this new set up is going to be a work in progress for us all! )
Please don’t hesitate to contact me in whatever format is easiest for you.
I will be checking school email continually and I will be hosting times when I can be reached during the day...not sure how that will look just a faculty we are entertaining lots of ideas and testing what we think will work best.
What you will need:
*Your child’s Google Login information (this can be found in the packet I prepared)
*Login at in Google account, they should click the array (it looks like a phone pad for us old folks…)
*Select Classroom
*Once classroom, press the + button at the top right
* Select Join a Classroom---codes for each are found below…..
School’s Out--This is where you will find assignments and instructions for each day. CHECK HERE FIRST!
Language Arts
Social Studies
Additional websites (for now)
Select class--then enter class code IPEMCR
each student has an individual login which was sent home in their packet
Great way to practice math facts: